MAPPI sempre più azienda Digital

Mappi partecipa al progetto cofinanziato dall’Unione Europea a sostegno dei processi di digitalizzazione delle imprese del Lazio “DIGITAL IMPRESA LAZIO”, inserito nel POS FESR Lazio 2014-2020.

MAPPI e i “VOUCHER INTERNAZIONALIZZAZIONE” per competere a livello globale

Mappi ha partecipato al progetto cofinanziato dall’Unione Europea e volto a favorire l’internazionalizzazione delle PMI, noto come “Voucher internazionalizzazione”, inserito nel POS FESR Lazio 2014-2020.

MAPPI Live at GlassBuild Connect 2020 – Save the date!

Mappi is pleased to announce it will participate in GlassBuild Connect: The Glass & Fenestration Online Experience, taking place September 1-30 at

Another successful installation of a Mappi tempering furnace!

In the north of Italy another ATS 4.0 is near ready to start, to temper every day high quality glass. A state of the art tempering furnace it’s undergoing at Somec. Stay tuned for more news!

Another successful installation of a Mappi furnace in North America

The glass industry all over the world st­ands out for the accuracy and competence th­at both derive from having to deal with such an ancient and particu­lar material but also wanting inno­vation while keeping customization.

MAPPI at GlassCon Global VE 2020

Mappi it’s live at GlassCon Global VE – Glass Expo VE, a two-day event, September 9-10, 2020.

MAPPI at GlassBuild Connect 2020

Mappi is pleased to announce it will participate in GlassBuild Connect: The Glass & Fenestration Online Experience, taking place September 1-30 at

Mappi appointed Glassmak as new representative for the Polish market

We are pleased to announce that Glassmak in the person of Mr. Adam Makarowski had been appointed the new Mappi representative in Poland.

Mappi and Tecnoglass: a story made of rigorous choices and a shared passion for excellence

The history of Tecnoglass begins in 1963. Year after year it invests in technologies, skills, innovations. Today his specialization is in the production of laminated, tempered and insulating glass.

MAPPI and Formator, a partnership born under the sign of excellence

The name Formator derives from a Latin word, which means “he who creates, he who invents”. Formator was born to produce and process special glasses. The immediate goal was to produce in order to export towards foreign markets and to focus on high-end projects.